Lauren Keally - Travel Genie

My Travel Specialties: 

Walt Disney World, Family vacations, first time Disney trips, long weekends

My Favorite Suppliers:

Walt Disney World

My Favorite Destinations:

Walt Disney World

Favorite Travel Memory: 

My favorite memory would be taking my son to meet Mickey for the first time. He may not remember, but I will never forget the look on his face and sparkle in his eyes.

Favorite Travel Tip: 

Have an idea or list of your must do's. Once you have accomplished those, anything additional is an added bonus!

Dream Vacation:

Disneyland Paris and Aulani Resort in Hawaii

Disney Travel Advice: 

Have a plan, but have an open mind. There is so much to see and do and being flexible can help you experience things you wouldn't expect.

Why should you book your vacation with me?

I have been to Disney World more times than I can count and truly love helping others make their dream vacations a reality!


Mary Eversult - Travel Genie