Connie Bauder- Travel Genie

My Travel Specialties: 

*Walt Disney World as empty-nesters.

*Walt Disney World with "invisible" chronic illnesses/disabilities.

*RunDisney (and yes, many people with chronic illnesses can still participate in RunDisney 5Ks)

My Favorite Suppliers:

Walt Disney World

Disney Cruise Line

My Favorite Destinations:

Every year, we sit down to discuss vacation ideas for the coming year. We toss around a lot of ideas, but somehow we always come back to Walt Disney World and never regret it!

Favorite Travel Memory: 

Walt Disney World has been home to so many priceless memories for me, but if I had to choose one, it would be the RunDisney Marathon in January of 2020. I would have never had the motivation to train for and complete just any marathon, but knowing how magical a RunDisney race is gave me all the motivation I needed. From the initial send off by Mickey Mouse himself at the start of the race, to all of the dozens of characters cheering for us along the entire 26.2 mile course, it was truly magical. If you've always wanted to complete a race (from a 5K to a rull marathon), RunDisney is hands down the best race experience ever!

Dream Vacation:

I love Disney Cruise Line. It's the magic of Walt Disney World without the hustle and bustle of the parks. My dream destination would be an Alaskan Disney Cruise.

Disney Travel Advice: 

Set realistic goals for your travel party. Being at a park for rope drop (park opening) and staying until the park closes may not be realistic for everyone in your party, so remember that when planning your park days.

My Favorite Travel Tip

Rest days are golden! Take a day off from the parks and explore your resort (or another resort) and relax. There's plenty of magic to be found at your resort without the intensity of a park day.

Why should you book your vacation with me?

I believe that everyone should experience the magic of Walt Disney World at least once, and I'd like to help you plan your magical vacation. I have personal experience planning Disney vacations throughout many stages of life - from a family with young children all the way to empty nesters and from RunDisney to a Disney wedding. I can make the vacation planning as stress-free as possible for you.


McKayla Stewart- Travel Genie


Caitlin McCreery- Travel Genie