Surviving the Summer Heat at Walt Disney World
By Jacob Ward
Hi there! I'm Jacob Ward, and I absolutely live and breathe Disney magic. Traveling to the Most Magical Place on Earth is my passion, and I make sure to visit multiple times a year, each trip more enchanting than the last.
What you need to know about a Summer Trip to Disney World?
Summer is one of the most popular times to visit Walt Disney World. It is also the hottest time to visit Walt Disney World. While this is indeed the most magical place on Earth, there isn't much Mickey can do to prevent the sun from burning Orlando like a piece of bacon. However, don't let the heat deter you. For many people, especially those with children, the Summer is the only time of the year they can go. If you fall into this category, then you deserve to enjoy Walt Disney World as much as anyone. There are just a few tips, though, that you truly owe it to yourself to make note of if you are going to go during this time of year. It is more than possible to have a fantastic time at Disney in the summer. You just have to do a bit more preparation than you may expect. While everyone's experience will be a little different, follow these general tips to ensure your magical vacation adventure stays magical.
Hydrate. Hydrate. Hydrate
And I will reiterate once again. Hydrate. It is so important to drink water and plenty of fluids during your park days. The Florida heat is no joke if you're not used to it, and keeping yourself hydrated is your best way to prevent yourself from becoming overheated. If you don't want to pay for water bottles in the park, invest in a Brita/filtered water bottle to bring with you on your trip and fill up frequently at the number of water fountains around property. Most quick service restaurants will also hand out free cups of ice water upon request. Some of them will even have ice water stations so guests can self-serve their own water.
My best tip: bring single-serve electrolyte packets with you to enhance your water. Do what you have to do to keep the fluids pumping on a hot day.
Cooling Towels and Portable Fans
You will need more than those fashionable Minnie Ears to be comfortable in the heat. Invest in a good cooling towel or a portable fan to bring with you on your trip. We've brought cooling towels several times to the parks now and believe me, they have a huge impact on how you feel during the day. You can find multi-packs of these towels on Amazon, but you can also find Mickey-themed ones in the parks.
My Best Tip: Make sure to frequently re-wet the towel during the day! An ice cold towel on the back of your neck truly does cool you off and make you feel far less hot than it is.
If you opt for a portable fan, they have a variety of options you can find such as ones that rest on your neck, fans you can clip to your shirt, or just old-fashioned ones you hold. Whichever method you choose, make sure you are equipping yourself to stay cool during the day.
Take Breaks
I know the urge is to go from ride-to-ride, attraction-to-attraction while you're in the parks. You only have so much time on vacation and you have to pack a lot in. But trust me, bouncing around non-stop is already tiring on its own. Add the Florida heat to the mix and it can truly wear you down, zapping your energy and making the day unbearable. Please take breaks along the way.
Find a shaded area and rest your feet.
Walk through an air conditioned gift shop.
Go see a show where you can sit down for twenty or so minutes.
Eat at an indoor, air conditioned restaurant, either quick service or table service.
Do what you have to do to give yourself a break from the heat. Your body (and your family) will thank you!
Go Back To Your Resort
Building off of the last point, don't be afraid to take a mid-day break from the parks and head back to your resort. The hottest part of the day in the summer is definitely the middle portion. Pack in some fun things in the morning, head back to your resort around lunch time or right after, and take an extended break. My family’s favorite mid-day break activities:
Enjoy the resort’s pool.
Take a nap.
Watch a movie, lie down, relax and put your feet up.
Cool off, take it easy, and recharge. The sun will back off some later in the day, so once you're rested and recharged, go back out to the parks and have an awesome evening! I've personally done this multiple times and it's not an exaggeration to say it is a trip-saver!
Listen To Your Body/Your Family/Your Party
If you are the “leader” of your pack, so to speak, while in the parks, please keep an eye on everyone else. Check in on them and listen to them. Even if you are fine, your kids or significant other may not be. Meltdowns and family arguments happen quite frequently because the unit simply isn't in tune with one another. I understand. You spend hard earned money to come to Disney. You want to enjoy every second of it. But for the sake of your peace and memories of the trip, it is important to attend to the needs of those with you. If someone needs a snack, go get a snack. If someone needs a break, take a break. If someone is overheated, get them out of the sun. This is continuing the trend from the previous two entries, but I'm just really emphasizing being aware of what's happening around you. Remember, it's not just your vacation, and everyone ultimately wants to have a good time. Sometimes this means pivoting plans for the greater good of preserving the magic and keeping the family happy. All of this also applies if you are a solo traveler.
My Best Tip: Check in with your family. Listen to your body. Take care of yourself. Know it’s ok to take a break.
Don't be discouraged or intimidated by Florida Summer Heat!
Going to Walt Disney World in the summer can still be as fun and magical as any other time of the year. There's just some preparations you have to account for that will go a long way in ensuring the magic isn't damped by the sun. We follow these tips every time we go in the summer, and they haven't let my family down yet!
About the Author:
Jacob lives and breathes Disney magic. Traveling to the Most Magical Place on Earth his my passion, and he visits multiple times a year, each trip more enchanting than the last. When He’s not in the parks, you can find him soaking up the sun, beach-side with his wonderful wife and son. Jacob’s love for Disney and travel fuels my journey to help others create magical and memorable experiences. He’s eager to share his insider tips and passion for Disney, he’s here to guide you through your own adventure.