Rebekah Puente - Travel Genie

Favorite Travel Memory: 

My favorite travel memory is when my best friend surprised me at Disney World and we went to Magic Kingdom together.

Favorite Travel Tip: 

Always pack a first-aid kit to include over the counter meds you have regularly in your house.

Dream Vacation:

Italy, Disneyland Paris, and Spain

Disney Travel Advice: 

Be prepared by asking questions, doing research, and completing a walking plan. The more prepared you are for your vacation the easier it is to relax and have fun.

Why should you book your vacation with me?

I love to plan magical vacations for others so they are able to experience all the magic the world has to offer. Let me help you plan and be prepared for your upcoming magical vacation.


Andee Newman - Travel Genie


Caitlin Aleci - Travel Genie